Motivasi Terhadap Efikasi Diri Dalam Perawatan Diri Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2


  • Kurniati Prihatin Keperawatan STIKes Yarsi Mataram
  • Marthilda Suprayitna STIKES YARSI MATARAM
  • Baiq Ruli Fatmawati Keperawatan STIKes Yarsi Mataram



Motivasi, Efikasi Diri, Perawatan Mandiri DM Tipe 2



The success of a patient in his care is in dire need of self-efficacy from these patients. Self-efficacy is the individual's belief in his ability to regulate and carry out behaviors that support his health based on the goals and expectations he wants. However, this belief can fluctuate due to prolonged care and high costs that can cause psychological problems such as frustration, anxiety, and depression. This psychological problem can affect the motivation of clients to do self-care. If the patient's motivation is low then it is likely to affect the patient's self-efficacy so that DM self-care management cannot run well. Poor self-management will have an impact on the successful management of DM patients. This study aims to identify the relationship between motivation and self-efficacy of type 2 DM patients in Mataram City Hospital. The design in this study was cross sectional analytic with a sample of 110 type 2 DM patients. Data analysis used Chi square, independent t test, and multiple logistic regression. The results of the study showed that none of the respondents' characteristics were related to self-efficacy except work (p value = 0,000; ? = 0.05) and education (p value = 0.049; ? = 0.05). There is a relationship between family support and self-efficacy (p value = 0.045; ? = 0.05), there is a relationship between depression and self-efficacy (p value 0.022; ?: 0.05), and motivation is related to self-efficacy (p value 0.000 ; ?: 0.05). Respondents who have good motivation have an opportunity to have 4,315 times to have good self-efficacy compared to respondents who have poor motivation after being controlled by work, education, family support, and depression (OR 95% CI: 0,082-6,874). It is expected that nurses can increase motivation and self-efficacy of type 2 DM patients by providing structured health education, facilitating the provision of social support, and providing interventions to prevent the emergence of depression. Keywords: Motivation, Self Efficacy, Self-Care Type 2 DM


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How to Cite

Prihatin, K., Suprayitna, M., & Fatmawati, B. R. (2019). Motivasi Terhadap Efikasi Diri Dalam Perawatan Diri Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2. Jurnal Kesehatan Qamarul Huda, 7(1), 27–35.


