The Use Of Mind Mapping In Improving Writing Skill At Fourth Semester Of English Students Of University Qamarul Huda Badaruddin Bagu

The Use Of Mind Mapping In Improving Writing Skill At Fourth Semester Of English Students Of University Qamarul Huda Badaruddin Bagu


  • Ahmah Syukron Sidik UNIQHBA



writing skill, mind mapping technique, classroom action research


Regarding to the preliminary study, the researcher concerned with improving writing skill of English students of University of Qamarul Huda Badaruddin . Certainly, the students of this class are selected students having high intelligence than others so that they must get the perfect mean score. Unfortunately, it was not achieved. The mean score of writing was 6.5 as the same as other classes. It was caused by some reasons such as having difficulty in organizing and developing ideas and monotonous technique used daily by the teacher. To solve this problem, the researcher used mind mapping technique. It is an effective way for organizing ideas before writing. In implementing this technique, students could organize some ideas as many as possible and focus of the ideas that were going to construct. Then they had to develop the ideas into good sentences. In the other word, they could write in sequences so that students felt more easily to compose their ideas well. The research design of this study was Classroom Action Research which had four regular procedures such as planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The subject was 37 English students of University of Qamarul Huda Badaruddin. To analyze the data in the observation, the researcher used quantitative data obtained from a test and qualitative data gotten from observation checklists and field notes.  All were used during teaching and learning process. The finding of this research indicated that implementing mind mapping technique, the mean score of writing skill of English students of University of Qamarul Huda Badaruddin reached the improvement .This was proven by knowing that they could organized and develop their ideas more easily, they were more active, enthusiastic, and motivated, and the mean score of their writing skill was 78 from 65.5 in the preliminary study. It meant that mind mapping was an effective technique to help students in improving writing skill. Obviously, the researcher had met the criterion of success. As the rule, the research was carried out on a cycle. To sum up, mind mapping was an appropriate way to enhance writing skill based on the finding. Moreover, students could create and decorate their own mind mapping in which they felt more enjoyable to write well.


