Analysis of Doctor Quality Service for Patient Satisfaction in the case of inpatient in the Praya General Hospital


  • irmawati irmawati Qamarul Huda Badaruddin University
  • Saimi Saimi Universitas Qamarul Huda Badaruddin



Mutu Pelayanan, Kepuasan Pasien, BPJS


Patient satisfaction is an important key in improving quality care in health services. The formulation of the problem is how the quality of medical services to patient satisfaction BPJS in hospitalization of internal medicine in Praya Regional General Hospital. The purpose of this study is to investigate the quality of service of the doctor to patient satisfaction of BPJS in the Praya Regional Public Hospital. The quality of health services is to refer to the level of perfection of the performance of health services held on the one hand to satisfy the users of the service and on the other hand the procedures of implementation in accordance with the professional code of ethics and standards that have been set. The results of identification shows that the level of patient satisfaction on the service of physicians in terms of reliability, responsiveness, insurance and empathy can be categorized in the highly satisfied patients, satisfied patients, dissatisfied patients and patients who are very dissatisfied. In the service of patients, the doctor should pay more attention to the quality of services provided to patients, and the impatient care personel should be more alert in calling patients, doctors should always smile, regards, greetings, courtesy and polite for serving the patients.

Keywords: Quality of Service, Patient Satisfaction.


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How to Cite

irmawati, irmawati, & Saimi, S. (2018). Analysis of Doctor Quality Service for Patient Satisfaction in the case of inpatient in the Praya General Hospital. Jurnal Kesehatan Qamarul Huda, 6(1), 24–30.


